Welcome to the online manual for
your web hosting account. In this manual, you will find everything
you need to know about accessing your account and publishing
your web page. Should you ever have a question that is not
answered here, our technical support staff is available 24
hours a day to answer your questions.
We take pride in our commitment to
providing the highest quality, most flexible and most competitive
Web Hosting services available. When you place your website
on our machines, you can be assured that people around the
world will have consistent, reliable access to your website
24 hours a day.
If you are an advanced user, you
will probably only need to use this manual as a reference
tool. If you cannot find the information you are looking for
here, please feel free to contact the support department.
If you are just starting out with
web hosting, it is strongly recommended that you take the
time to read the explanations and instructions in this manual
before you begin a new task that you are unfamiliar with.
The section titled "The Novice Webmaster" will give you a
basic, but clear idea of what you will be dealing with, and
take some of the mystery and confusion out of it all.
We have made every effort to cover
all the bases in this manual, and make it as complete and
informative as possible. However, please keep in mind that
if you cannot find the answers you are looking for here, you
should feel free to contact the support department.
Some of the text referring to CGI
scripts was taken directly or adapted for our use from ReadMe
files provided by the script designers. Many thanks to the
folks at Matt's Script Archives for their excellent documentation!
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