Copernic Explained
Abstract - "Copernic is an award-winning
search solutions that simultaneously consult the best Internet
information sources and bring back relevant, high quality
results in a flash. The Copernic products combine simplicity
and performance along with unique sorting and filtering
features. "
About Copernic
Copernic 2000 is an intelligent agent that carries out
net-searches by simultaneously consulting the most important
search engines of the Internet.
We have implemented a Tracking Agent function to monitor
the search engines for instances of your web site in those
search engines.
What is a Tracking Agent?
A tracking agent is a virtual robot that automatically
conducts searches on a regular periodic schedule in order
to update specific searches and identify changes that have
Copernic features a very powerful tracking agent fully
integrated into the software in order to maintain flexibility
and ease-of-use. The Copernic Tracker can monitor an unlimited
number of subjects on an ongoing basis and notify the presence
of documents or Web pages of interest to you.
We have instructed the Tracker to e-mail search reports
automatically, if desired. The report lists only new documents
found, along with some pertinent information (brief description,
hyperlink addresses, engines, and so on). A report can also
be sent to several targeted addresses, such as you, a client,
a colleague, or any other person. The Copernic Tracker also
combines other tasks with search updates by validating them
to eliminate invalid documents, and refine valid documents
after they have been downloaded.
The Reports That You Receive
The Copernic reports that you receive are generated on
a monthly basis beginning on the first of each month. The
first report that you receive is a listing of the pages,
and search engines, that have indexed your site and listed
your page(s). The second, and following, reports that you
receive are update from the previous month, listing pages
that have been listed since the last report was run. We
have set Copernic to search only the first 20 items in the
list of results and we have keyed it on your domain name
as in
The Copernic reports will allow you to monitor your site
as it is listed and updated in the search engines, automatically.
This saves you valuable time and effort by searching the
Top 20 search engines simultaneously and notifying you of
updates and listing automatically.
More Information provides information on it's flagship product,
A Free Personal Edition of Copernic can be downloaded
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